Project 8/8 All

Landscape Sekem Sinai

Type:land reclamation study (diploma project)
Award:Otto Prutscher Prize
Location:Sinai (EGY)
Area:800 ha
Property owner:Sekem Holding

The project explores challenges and possibilities of land reclamation in a desert environment. The 800 ha property is located in the northwest of the Sinai peninsula, where the Egyptian cultural initiative Sekem (Alternative Nobel Prize 2003) plans an organic agricultural holding and residetial property accommodating a variety of social and cultural programs. Mediating between a business model and a natural dune scenery, the project provides a stable substructure for the site development. Designs demonstrate how aeolian processes and dynamics can inspire a cultural landscape that is integrated into the natural surrounding and at the same time reflects Sekem's vision of a sustainable development. Spatial compositions and landform modelings form core strategies of the project. The full project is documented in the film Enzian & Potenzialis by Atzgerei Productions (2010).

  • site | maps and aerial view
     site | maps and aerial view
  • colliding of temporary and permanent structures | photo
     colliding of temporary and permanent structures | photo
  • scenario 1 | spatial composition | drawing
     scenario 1 | spatial composition | drawing
  • longitudinal dune on site | photo
     longitudinal dune on site | photo
  • scenario 2 | spatial composition and landform modeling | drawing
     scenario 2 | spatial composition and landform modeling | drawing
  • water arriving on site | photo
     water arriving on site | photo
  • scenario 3 | water arriving on site | drawing
     scenario 3 | water arriving on site | drawing
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